E/ME/A Regional Meeting of Interlaw hosted by Eurolex is approaching

E/ME/A Regional Meeting of Interlaw hosted by Eurolex is approaching

Наближава регионалната конференция на Interlaw с домакин Евролекс България

There is only one month left to the launch of E/ME/A Regional Meeting of Interlaw hosted by Eurolex Bulgaria. The event will be held in Grand Hotel Sofia from June 4th to 7th, 2015. However, because of the high interest most of the delegates have extended their stay in Sofia city. Guests from all over the world have registered for the conference – from Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Japan, USA, Canada, Ecuador, Mexico, China, Austria, Malta, Spain, Sweden, Israel, Scotland, England, Finland, Liechtenstein, etc.


The event will start a day earlier than its official launch when are expected to arrive many of the participants. Especially for women lawyers the host has organized a visit in Rayko Aleksiev Gallery to acquaint them with the art of the established Bulgarian painter Dimitar Kirov. The agenda of the conference features SBT meetings such as Tax Law, Banking & Finance, Energy Law, Mergers&Acquisitions, etc. On the Real Estate SBT the delegates will have the chance to visit the subway dispatch center and to learn about Sofia subway infrastructure project, the legal part of which has been implemented by the team of Eurolex Bulgaria. The opening dinner will begin with a stylish welcome cocktail reception at the Archeological Museum, followed by a traditional Bulgarian dinner at the “Water-Mill” Restaurant where guests can witness live fire-dancing.

Eurolex has prepared all these and many more interesting places and activities for the first in Bulgaria Interlaw conference.

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